Here’s the first 5 of 20 tax saving tips as we head toward the end of the financial year:
1. Pre-pay your expenses
Pre-pay some of your expenses for the coming financial year while you’re still in this financial year. This can be things like your rent, insurance, and subscriptions to any professional associations. Up to 12 months of the coming year’s expenses can be deducted in the current tax year.
2. Take advantage of the $150,000 instant asset write-off
This enables you to immediately deduct the business assets you purchase from your assessable tax, both new and used.
3. Review your invoicing
Review your invoicing for the current tax year and postpone some of them until the following year, if appropriate.
4. Contribute to your super
Top up your voluntary superannuation contributions. Remember, you can contribute up to $25,000 in deductible super contributions each year.
5. Review your debtors
Review your debtors and write off any unrecoverable debts. These debts will come off your income in the year in which you write them off, regardless of the year you invoiced them.
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