Small to medium business is our speciality and our services include assistance or mentoring with buying, starting, operating or selling a business.

Business assistance is available where and when you need it including operations, employment (including Fair Work Australia), software systems, marketing, accounts, management through to meeting your statutory requirements like payroll tax. Failure can occur due to lack of understanding on setup or purchase, poor administration, weak cash flow, low profits, high costs to name a few reasons.

My comprehensive experience includes startup, managing and operations of a business:

Business Structure: Deciding on the right structure (sole trader, company, partnership, trust, etc…) is important and the implications of each needs to be fully understood.

Administration & Statutory: There are many administrative issues a business needs to be aware of including GST, superannuation, Fair Work Australia obligations, health & safety, PAYG, payroll tax which then extend to bookkeeping and accounts.

Business Analysis: This is about identifying the business needs and determining solutions to any business problems such as profitability, costs, cash flow, systems, processes, structure, etc…

Strategy & Planning: What are the business goals and where is at now? It may include a Business Plan to highlight where the business is heading over the next year or so and how it will get there. The plan can also be required for outside assistance (financial or otherwise) and to gauge the business direction.

Reports & KPIs: Commonly used to evaluate success of particular activities in which the business is engaged. This may be defined in terms of progress toward strategic goals or simply the repeated achievement of some level of operational goal (i.e. zero defects, 10/10 customer satisfaction etc.).

Marketing: It’s not just about advertising! Marketing is used to identify the customer, what satisfies the customer and retains the customer. Measurement of the effectiveness of advertising costs is also important to ensure money is not wasted on unproductive promotion.

Business Rescue – If your business is not performing well and suffers from some serious debt, poor revenue, high expense or any other reason (known or unknown), this needs to be addressed before it’s too late and beyond help.

An objective look at the business to identify the problems and present options in order to keep the business operational & financial and restore it back into better shape.

Succession Planning: is the process for identifying and developing internal people to fill key leadership positions or even takeover the business. Succession planning increases the availability of experienced and capable people that are prepared to take over these roles as they become available.

Other Business Services: The above represent a few of our business services. Other services include:

  • Coaching – assisting & tutoring people in the management of business
  • Human Resources – Job Descriptions, Performance Reviews, Fair Work Australia obligations, OH&S, etc
  • Health Checks – on how your business is going, identifying areas for improvement or assessing your financial position