Sole traders

Common errors that the ATO are seeing include: omitting income such as salary or wages earned outside of their business. Including non-monetary payments or payments in kind incorrectly claiming expenses, for example, claiming for the portion of an expense related to...

The super guarantee rate is increasing – again!

The super guarantee (SG) rate will increase from 10.5% to 11% on 1 July. A reminder to update your payroll systems to align with this change. The new rate will apply to payments made to workers on or after 1 July. Your contributions for each employee are required to...

GST refund fraud attempts

The ATO has identified a significant number of GST refund fraud attempts The attempted fraud involves: Inventing a fake business Submitting fictitious business activity statements (BAS) to gain a false GST refund. Lodging a fraudulent Australian business number (ABN)...

Can I claim my own labour on my tax?

Have you ever worked in your own business not getting paid or done a number of unpaid hours on your rental property and then thought “I might claim my labour as an expense for doing this”? Or have you ever actually included a cost for your labour as an expense in your...

COVID-19 tests to be tax deductible

The Government announced on 7 February 2022 that they will ensure COVID-19 tests ARE tax deductible for individuals and businesses when they are purchased for work-related purposes. This will see the costs of purchasing a rapid antigen (RAT) test tax deductible for...