Another Sth Aust Grant – are you eligible?

HOSPITALITY – ARTS – TRANSPORT – TOURISM – SERVICES & EDUCATION – NON ESSENTIAL RETAIL – HEALTH CARE If your eligible sector business (full list available here) has been significantly impacted (experienced a 30% or more decline in turnover) as a result of the...

Support for South Australian Businesses

Lockdowns are tough for my clients, associates and in particular people in small businesses. However, I am pleased that support packages have been made available to business. To be eligible for the one-off $3,000 emergency cash grant, a business must, as at 12:01am...

Tax time 2021: Lodge early at your peril

If you’re planning to lodge your tax return as soon as possible after 30th June, it may pay to hold off a while. For a start, employers have until 14th July 2021 to finalise single touch payroll data and the ATO will not start processing returns until after 7th July....

ATO warns on ‘copy/paste’ claims

In 2021, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will recommence their focus on addressing the overclaiming of work-related expenses like car and travel claims that are predicted to decrease in this year’s tax returns. The ATO has noted that COVID-19 has changed up...