Single Touch Payroll (STP) is the new way for employers to report tax and super information to the ATO. It starts from 1 July 2019 for employers with 19 or less employees.
You’ll report the following information through an STP ready solution – such as payroll software:
• payments to employees such as salaries and wages
• pay as you go (PAYG) withholding
• super information.
The way you pay your employees won’t change, however you will be sending the ATO this information each time you pay them.
Start reporting any time from 1 July to 30 September 2019. If you can’t start reporting by this time, you’ll need to apply for a later start date.
How to get started
• If you already use payroll software – check to see if it offers STP reporting by talking to your software provider or viewing their website.
• If you don’t use payroll software – you can choose an STP ready solution or talk to your tax professional for advice on the best solution for your business.
• If you use a registered tax or BAS agent – you can ask them to report through an STP ready payroll solution on your behalf.
• If you have 1-4 employees – you can choose a low-cost STP solution. Find out more at
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