
Business Specialist, Accountant & Registered Tax Agent


    Claim Medicare Levy Exemption

    Some taxpayers on temporary visas are not eligible for Medicare and therefore can claim Medicare Levy Exemption using this form

    Contact iTax Accounting today

    I am a proud member of the Institute of Practicing Accountants, Registered Taxation Agents and highly experienced specialist in tax, accounting and business.

    Please call 8322 1900 or contact me for an initial discussion or appointment at my office in Hallett Cove. I primarily service (but no way confined to) the southern areas of Adelaide.

    Late? Overdue? Unpaid? ATO Penalties? There is no need to stress! We can deal with any late tax returns or BAS. If penalties or interest have been incurred, these may be able to be reduced or completely cancelled. With tax debts, assistance is available to arrange payment arrangements as well as explain your rights and obligations. Got ATO issues…call now!

    Call today on (08) 8322 1900

    Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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